▲ (Left) Seokhwan You, CEO of Rokit Healthcare, (Right) Hwang Hee, CEO of Kakao Healthcare

– Kakao Healthcare and Rokit Healthcare sign MOU for the collaboration of preventing and managing diabetes

[Seoul, South Korea – November 8, 2023] Kakao Healthcare (CEO Hwang Hee) announced on November 8th that it has signed MOU to prevent and manage diabetes with Rokit Healthcare (CEO You Seokhwan), a biotechnology company specializing in organ regenerative healthcare solutions.

Through this agreement, the two companies will strengthen R&D and business cooperation, combining Kakao Healthcare’s digital capabilities with Rokit Healthcare’s innovative technology for regenerative treatment of diabetic foot ulcer to develop customized diabetic foot ulcer management services and improve patients’ quality of life.

Both Kakao Healthcare and Rokit Healthcare noted that the number of diabetics in South Korea is steadily increasing due to irregular eating habits, lifestyle patterns, and stress. “According to Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, 13.8% of adults over the age of 30 suffer from diabetes as of 2018, and 15-25% of them suffer from diabetic foot ulcer, and amputation can be expected if the symptoms are severe,” said an official from Rokit Healthcare. “As diabetic foot ulcer is becoming a major problem, it is urgent to find solutions for prevention and treatment,” he added.

Hwang Hee, the CEO of Kakao Healthcare, said, “Through this agreement, we will combine our innovative technologies and experience to provide customized digital healthcare services for diabetic patients.” The CEO also said, “We will continue to strengthen our cooperation with Rokit Healthcare to increase the synergy between the two companies.”

You Seokhwan, the CEO of Rokit Healthcare, added, “Through this agreement, we will be able to provide prevention and treatment with innovative AI-driven, personalized digital regenerative healthcare services not only for diabetes, but also for patients with diabetic foot ulcer.” The CEO also expressed, “We will create synergy between Rokit Healthcare’s regenerative healthcare technology with Kakao Healthcare’s platform technology to provide better services to diabetic patients.”

The two companies are expecting to create new digital healthcare services, expand their customers, and advance Kakao Healthcare’s data-based healthcare services. (End)