▲ (Left) Sangbae Yoon, CEO of Huons, (Right) Hwang Hee, CEO of Kakao Healthcare

– Kakao Healthcare signed a sales cooperation agreement with Huons, the domestic distributor of Dexcom’s next-generation CGM, ‘G7’.
– Hyper-personalization service based on ‘G7’ data will be provided on Kakao Healthcare’s mobile healthcare platform.

[Seoul, South Korea – November 6, 2023] Kakao Healthcare (CEO Hwang Hee) announced on November 6th that it has signed a domestic sales cooperation agreement of Dexcom’s next-generation CGM (continuous glucose monitoring) ‘G7’ with Huons (CEO Song Sooyoung, Yoon Sangbae). The signing ceremony was attended by representatives from both companies, including Hwang Hee, the CEO of Kakao Healthcare, and Yoon Sang-bae, the CEO of Huons.

Huons is the healthcare company that provides products and services related to life-oriented medicine such as pharmaceuticals, medical devices, nutraceuticals, and sterilization management. It is also the sole supplier of Dexcom’s CGM devices in South Korea.

Based on this agreement, the two companies will introduce and sell Dexcom’s ‘G7’ to domestic users through Kakao Healthcare’s mobile healthcare platform and will provide data-based hyper-personalized healthcare services. Dexcom’s G7, which is scheduled to be launched in the first quarter of the next year, will be successfully introduced in the domestic market, and will contribute to improving the convenience of diabetic patients. In addition, the two companies will jointly conduct various activities such as education and counseling programs for diabetic patients, provide medical information, and manage blood glucose-related supporters.

Meanwhile, Kakao Healthcare signed a global collaboration agreement with Dexcom for the purpose of ‘global cooperation in blood glucose management services’ in June and is conducting a pilot test linking the G7 device and Kakao Healthcare platform. Dexcom’s next-generation CGM, G7, is half the size of the previous model and significantly reduces system warm-up time. In addition, the accuracy of blood glucose measurement has been greatly improved, and a function that sends a warning alarm in advance when a sharp change in blood glucose level is predicted has been added which greatly increased user-convenience.

After introducing Dexcom’s G7 in the domestic market through the cooperation with Huons, Kakao Healthcare will introduce hyper-personalized digital blood glucose management services that combines blood glucose level data and lifestyle data in regions such as the United States, the Middle East, and Japan. It also plans to improve the convenience of medical staff by linking the data with the hospital’s EMR (Electronic Medical Record).

Hwang Hee, the CEO of Kakao Healthcare, added, “We will continue to provide services that address the unmet needs (pain points) of patients and medical staff and help patients improve their own lifestyle.”
Sangbae Yoon, the CEO of Huons, also added, “Through our collaboration with Kakao Healthcare, we will work together to expand the domestic CGM market and help improve the quality of life of diabetes patients by making diabetes management more convenient.” (End)