▲ (Left)Koo Ji-eun, CEO of OURHOME, (Right)Hwang Hee, CEO of KakaoHealthcare

– Collaborate in developing AI-based, hyper-personalized healthcare solutions utilizing both KakaoHealthcare’s smart glucose management solution ‘PASTA’ and OURHOME’s healthcare program ‘KALIS lab’

[April 23, 2024] KakaoHealthcare (CEO Hwang Hee) announced on April 23rd that it has signed MOU with global food care & catering company, OURHOME (CEO Koo Ji-eun) to jointly develop AI-based, hyper-personalized healthcare solutions. The signing ceremony, which was held in KakaoHealthcare headquarters in Pangyo, was attended by key personnels including KakaoHealthcare’s CEO Hwang Hee and OURHOME’s CEO Koo Ji-eun.

The partnership will combine KakaoHealthcare’s expertise in AI-based smart glucose management technology with OURHOME’s extensive R&D core technology and data related to over 20,000 nutrition-based menus, aiming to deliver cutting-edge hyper-personalized healthcare solutions, including customized nutrition management services.

By leveraging the strengths of both companies, glucose management technology and dietary planning for chronic disease management, the partnership is expected to provide sophisticated personalized healthcare services. Furthermore, they are planning to precisely track the changes of the health status of consumers who received dietary and nutritional consulting through KALIS lab using PASTA’s AI technology, and to provide personalized healthcare contents tailored to their own condition. Accordingly, both companies have agreed to actively share their accumulated technologies and knowhow of KakaoHealthcare’s ‘PASTA’ and OURHOME’s ‘KALIS lab.’

In February, KakaoHealthcare launched its AI-based, smart glucose management solution ‘PASTA’. PASTA is a class 2 software as a medical device certified by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety that analyzes real-time glucose levels measured by CGM (continuous glucose monitoring) devices, as well as lifelog data such as diet, exercise, and sleep input by users, and suggests appropriate lifestyle habits through AI.

CEO Hwang Hee stated, “Where the importance of nutrition is globally increasing, we are proud to have the collaboration opportunity with OURHOME, South Korea’s highest expertise in nutrition.” He also added, “we will introduce innovative hyper-personalized healthcare solution utilizing our AI glucose management technology of PASTA.”

CEO Koo Ji-eun expressed, “OURHOME’s greatest asset is the active data accumulated over many years by providing food, drink, and healthcare services to numerous global customers.” She continued, “we are continuously advancing our personalized dietary services related to health based on our secured data of menu preferences and dietary nutritional balance by country and by customer.” She concluded her remark as “the collaboration between OURHOME, with such assets, with KakaoHealthcare will be a turning point that will present a new paradigm in the domestic healthcare industry.” (End)